java php python go javascript

XAgent Seamless Wallet API Document V3.0


Connection Process

  1. Provide relevant information and contact us to open an account for you in the UAT environment
  2. Provide your server IP to add the server IP whitelist.
  3. If your interface also has a whitelist, we will provide the server IP to add the whitelist to access your interface.
  4. After the account is opened, we provide other parameters such as publicKey, logo, site, and the game background address
  5. According to your game requirements, we provide the corresponding game coding table for docking
  6. According to the document, you need to develop the interfaces we need and provide them
  7. According to the game coding table, create game-related data (name, code, cover material, etc.) on your platform
  8. Start docking the interface through the interface document
  9. The interface docking is completed and the joint debugging test is correct
  10. The formal environment is ready for access, and our business intervenes to discuss business matters with you
  11. The formal environment account is opened, and the interface address and parameters are switched
  12. You provide an IP whitelist, and the game background configures the whitelist
  13. Pre-operation and acceptance of the formal environment
  14. Access is completed and officially launched

Docking instructions

  1. All our interface parameters are case-sensitive (case will not be ignored), please pay attention to the value

  2. For all the interface parameters you provide, they also need to be case-sensitive (case will not be ignored)

  3. After configuring the game entrance on your WEB / H5 / APP platform, the user clicks on the game entrance and calls the user registration/login interface provided by us

  4. After success, get the interface return value, where webUrl and h5Url are the links carrying the user's login token

  5. Go to the end of these two URLs and splice the game code (gameCode, see the return value interpretation of the registration/login interface for specific rules) provided by us to jump into the game body

  6. You need to take the user's unique ID as userName, splice it according to certain rules, and pass it to the interface

  7. If you need to get the trial entrance of the game, pass true for demoUser in the interface parameters.

  8. We will call the interface you provide in different scenes in the game to increase, reduce assets, and query assets

  9. You can create different proxy lines in the game console (backstage) provided by us. Each line can be configured with an independent RTP configuration, and the users of each line are also separated and independent.

  10. When we open an account for you, we will help you create a default proxy line for your use. If you need more later, you can go to the backend to add them yourself.

  11. You can also create your sub-agent in the backend, assign different proxy lines to your sub-agent management, and attach the sub-agent backend, which can view the relevant game data, user order records, reports, adjust RTP parameters, etc. assigned to the sub-agent.

Whitelist restrictions

Our interface domain name and the game backend we opened for you have set IP whitelist restrictions. If not configured, you cannot call the interface/access the backend. Therefore, before the docking starts, you need to provide the following IP information for us to pre-configure:

  1. The IP address of the server in each environment

  2. The IP address of the device you need to access the game backend

At the same time, if your interface is also set with whitelist restrictions, before calling the interface you provided, we will also provide you with the IP of the server in each environment for pre-configuration to ensure a smooth docking process

Interfaces provided by us

Domain name

UAT environment:

Formal environment: Contact business personnel to obtain

Preparation before calling


Param Name Param Value Required Example Remarks
Content-Type application/json Yes application/json
businessAccount The unique ID of the general agent provided by us Yes ballGame
site The agent line ID in the XAgent merchant backend Yes xaDefault

Parameter encryption example:

Map<String, String> param = new HashMap<>();
param.put("account", "username");
param.put("password", "password");
//rsa encryption
byte[] encodedData = RSAUtil.encrypt(JSON.toJSONString(param).getBytes(), publicKey);
String base64String = Base64Util.encode(encodedData);
System.out.println("encoded: " + base64String);
Map<String, String> encryptParam = new HashMap<>();
//Call interface httpPost(encryptParam);
// Param
$param = array(
    "account" => "username",
    "password" => "password"

// JSON Encode
$jsonData = json_encode($param);

// RSA Encrypt
$publicKey = "your-public-key"; // Replace your public key
$publicKeyResource = openssl_pkey_get_public($publicKey);
openssl_public_encrypt($jsonData, $encryptedData, $publicKeyResource);

// Base64 Encode
$base64String = base64_encode($encryptedData);
echo "encoded: " . $base64String . "\n";

// Build Request Param
$encryptParam = array(
    "data" => $base64String

// Call API
$response = httpPost($encryptParam);
echo $response;

function httpPost($params) {
    $url = 'your-api-endpoint'; // replace api address

    $options = array(
        'http' => array(
            'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
            'method'  => 'POST',
            'content' => http_build_query($params),

    $context  = stream_context_create($options);
    $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

    return $result;
import json
import base64
import requests
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP

# param
param = {
    "account": "username",
    "password": "password"

# JSON encode
json_data = json.dumps(param)

# RSA Encrypt
public_key = 
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
rsa_key = RSA.import_key(public_key)
cipher =
encoded_data = cipher.encrypt(json_data.encode('utf-8'))

# Base64 encode
base64_string = base64.b64encode(encoded_data).decode('utf-8')
print("encoded:", base64_string)

# build request param
encrypt_param = {
    "data": base64_string

# call api
response ='your-api-endpoint', data=encrypt_param)
package main

import (

func main() {
    // param
    param := map[string]string{
        "account":  "username",
        "password": "password",

    // JSON encode
    jsonData, err := json.Marshal(param)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("JSON Marshal error:", err)

    // RSA encrypt
    publicKey := `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`

    encodedData, err := rsaEncrypt(jsonData, publicKey)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("RSA Encryption error:", err)

    // Base64 encode
    base64String := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(encodedData)
    fmt.Println("encoded:", base64String)

    // build request param
    encryptParam := map[string]string{
        "data": base64String,

    // call api
    response, err := httpPost("your-api-endpoint", encryptParam)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("HTTP Post error:", err)

    fmt.Println("Response:", response)
const crypto = require('crypto');
const axios = require('axios');

// param
const param = {
    account: 'username',
    password: 'password'

// JSON encode
const jsonData = JSON.stringify(param);

// RSA encrypt
const publicKey = `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`;
const buffer = Buffer.from(jsonData, 'utf8');
const encryptedData = crypto.publicEncrypt(publicKey, buffer);

// Base64 encode
const base64String = encryptedData.toString('base64');
console.log("encoded: " + base64String);

// build request param
const encryptParam = {
    data: base64String

// call api'your-api-endpoint', encryptParam)
    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {
  1. API request method: application/json.
  2. You need to add the two fixed values provided by us to the request header, the header key is site and businessAccount
  3. You need to use the public key (publicKey) to perform RSA encryption on the request body, then convert the encrypted byte array into a Base64 string, and finally assemble it into {"data":"Encrypted Base64 string"} json format is submitted to the interface
  4. In the http return object, code is the return code 200=normal, and the data is in data. When code is not 200, message is the error message.
  5. Request example
  6. Example XAgent server domain name is
  7. The address of a certain interface is /v3/single/act
  8. The merchant end public key is MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADC...
  9. Business parameter json data {"field_1":"value_1","field_2":"value_2"}
  10. First encrypt the business parameter with RSA to get the ciphertext Os977UOvhnqN+0xY4YBg95vlBpaKmgWAHnTa...
  11. Set the request header businessAccount site content-type
  12. After encoding the ciphertext in base64, build a unified request parameter entity {"data":"Os977UOvhnqN+0xY4YBg95vlBpaKmgWAHnTa..."}
  13. Use post submission method to request
  14. Get response data {"code":200,"message":"success","data":{"field_a":"value_a","field_b":"value_b"}}
  15. Determine whether the code is 200. If it is 200, it is strongly recommended that the merchant verify the response data. If it is not 200, there will be no signature value. The signature value is obtained from the response header signature
  16. Concatenate the data in the Body with the public key to obtain {"code":200,"message":"success","data":{"field_a":"value_a","field_b":"value_b"}}MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADC...
  17. Obtain the information summary of the concatenated string through the MD5 algorithm, and then compare it with the signature value in the response header. If they are consistent, the response data is safe
  18. Then make subsequent business logic judgments based on business parameters

User registration / login (game entry)

Interface path

POST /v3/single/user/login

Interface description

Request this interface to register/login a user, and at the same time obtain the URL entry with the user token. The account must be unique.

Request parameters


Parameters Data type Required Description
account string Y Player account (supports only (2~13) lowercase characters or numbers) ^[a-z0-9]{2,8}$
password string Y Account password (no more than 20 characters)
gameType string Y Game category code (refer to the appendix)
isMobile bool Y Whether it is a mobile terminal
gameCode string Y Game code, the code of the specific game
lang string Y Language type (refer to the appendix)
coin string Y Currency type (refer to the appendix)
line string N Line, supported by some venues, if supported, use this value to fill in the required parameters of the "line/site" system of the three parties, if not passed, it will be the default value
lobby string N lobby address, supported by some venues, such as jumping back from the venue game page to the merchant page, empty if not passed
isAnonymous bool N Anonymous account/trial account
userIP string N Player IP

Return data

Name Type Required Default value Remarks Other information
code number Required 200 Error code, 200 for successful call, other values ​​for failure, see error code definition
message string Optional When the error code is not 200, this field displays the error message
data object Optional For specific data fields, see data data definition *Remarks:* Specific data content

data data:

Parameters Data type Required Description
urlType int Y url type [1:Direct redirect url 2:Automatic redirect from form]
url string Y Game address

Get historical bets

Interface path

POST /v3/single/bet/betting

Interface description

Interface for querying historical game bets (A maximum of 5,000 pieces of data can be returned in one call)

Request parameters


Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category code (refer to Appendix)
startTimestampMs string Y Start timestamp
endTimestampMs string Y End timestamp, start and end time cannot exceed 12 hours
pageIndex string Y Page number

Return data

Name Type Required Default value Remarks Other information
code number Required Error code, 200 for successful call, other values ​​for failed call, see error code definition
message string optional When the error code is not 200, this field displays the error message
data String optional For specific data fields, see the data definition below

data data:

parameter data type required description
pageIndex string Y page number
pageTotal string Y total number of pages
bets BetItemModel[] Y historical bet collection


parameter data type required description
betNoVenue string Y venue bet number
account string Y player account
coin string Y currency (Refer to Appendix)
gameType string Y Game category (Refer to Appendix)
gameCode string Y Game code
betAmount decimal Y Bet amount
validAmount decimal Y Valid bet
netWinningAmount decimal Y Net win or loss
betTimestampMs long Y Bet timestamp
settlementTimestampMs long Y Settlement timestamp
isTrial bool Y Trial bet
betState int Y Bet state (Refer to Appendix)
settlementState int Y Settlement state (Refer to Appendix)
extend object Y Extended bet information. Extended information for different types of bets varies (Refer to Appendix)

Get the game list

Interface path

POST /v3/single/game/list-gamecode

Interface description

Interface for getting the game list

Request parameters


Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category code (refer to Appendix)

Return data

Name Type Required Default value Remarks Other information
code number Required Error code, 200 for successful call, other values for failure, see error code definition
message string Required When the error code is not 200, this field displays the error message
data GameCodeList[] Required Game collection (see Appendix)

Get a list of game categories

Interface path

POST /v3/single/game/list-gametype

Interface description

Interface for getting a list of game categories

Request parameters


Parameter Data type Required Description
coin string Y Currency type (see Appendix)

Return data

Name Type Required Default value Remarks Other information
code number Required Error code, 200 for successful call, other values for failed call, see error code definition
message string Required When the error code is not 200, this field displays the error message
data GameTypeList[] Required Game category collection (data structure refers to the appendix)

Member Kickout Interface(PG Venus)

Interface Path

POST /v3/single/game/pgKickOut

Interface Description

PG game-specific, kick-off member offline interface, after calling, the member will be forced offline

Request Parameters


Parameter Data Type Required Description
account string Y Player Account
gameType string Y Game Category Code (refer to Appendix)

Return Data

Name Type Required Default Value Remarks Other Information
code number Required Error code, 200 for successful call, other values for failure, see Error Code Definition
message string Required When the error code is not 200, this field displays the error message

View order details (PG Venus)

Interface path

POST /v3/single/game/pgSnapshot

Interface description

PG game only, you can view the detailed game screenshot details of a certain member's PG game order. After calling the interface, it is returned in the form of a URL, and you can view it directly by visiting

Request parameters


Parameter Data type Required Description
account string Y Player account
gameType string Y Game category code (refer to Appendix)
gameCode string Y Game code (refer to Appendix)
orderNo string Y Order number

Return data

Name Type Required Default value Remarks Other information
code number Required Error code, 200 for successful call, other values for failed call, see error code definition
message string Required When the error code is not 200, this field displays the error message
data string Required URL of the game order details page, you can view it by visiting it directly

Interfaces and requirements you need to provide

Access preparation and instructions

Request parameter example

Unified request data structure:

"merchant":"The unique ID of the general agent provided by us",
"data":"The parameter of a specific interface is a json string and RSA encrypted",
"sign":"The encrypted signature data after decryption is data + merchant + timestamp",
"timestamp":"Request timestamp (millisecond level)"

Before making a request, we will assemble the parameters according to the parameters required by different interfaces, then serialize the parameter object into json, assign it to the data field, and then assemble it into the sign field to initiate a request to you.

Sign field assembly rules: In the body data structure, [all fields except sign] are sorted from small to large by field name, the values ​​are concatenated, RSA encrypted using publicKey, and then base64 encoded.

Data field encryption rules: decrypt according to the RSA public key

For example:




Then the source string of the signature is:


Then use publicKey to rsa encrypt this data, and then base64 encode it to get the sign field

Return parameter example

The response parameter you need to package is data in Json format. The response Json data template is as follows:

Uniform response data structure:

"code": 200,
"message":"error message",
"data":"The parameter of a specific interface is a json string. It is returned directly without encryption"

Note: Here you also need to assemble and package a parameter into the responseHeader. The specific rules are as follows:


Key: signature

value: the JSON of the return result you packaged + publicKey and then MD5 encrypted

After getting the response, we will first determine whether the code is 200 success, and then obtain the data field data

Overall process:

a) We will use privateKey to encrypt the data, place it in the data and sign fields, and pass it to your interface

b) In the interface, you receive the data and sign parameters passed by us. You must first perform base64 decoding, and then use the RSA decryption tool to decrypt sign and data according to the publicKey provided by us

c) After decrypting sign, you get the merchant, data, and timestamp parameters,

d) Compare these three parameters with the merchant, data (requires base64 decoding + RSA decryption), and timestamp fields passed by us. If the results are consistent, the verification is passed.

e) The specific parameters passed by us are packaged in data, and the data can be used directly.

f) When you package your interface return value, the data field does not need to be encrypted, and the original value can be returned directly.

g) After the return value is assembled, according to the packaged return value, the signature field is placed in the responseHeader to return the response.

  1. Before this API version is connected, we will provide you with a copy of the general agent unique identifier and publicKey, privateKey
  2. Here is the description of what you need to prepare for us to call your interface
  3. Request method: POST
  4. Request parameters: The format is json, content-type=application/json
  5. The following interface and description only show the data required by the data field

1. Get player information interface (/getaccountinfo)

Parameters Data type Required Description
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (refer to the appendix)
Field Data type Required Description
account string Y Player account
accountName string N Player name
coin string Y Currency type (refer to Appendix)
balance decimal Y Player real-time balance

2. Bet application (/applycreatebet)

Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (refer to Appendix)
bets ApplyCreateBetItemV3Model[] Y Bet information collection, data structure refer to Appendix
Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (see Appendix)
balance decimal Y Player real-time balance after successful processing
results SingleBetItemV3Result[] Y Collection of bet processing results, data structure see Appendix

3. Get bet information (/getbet)

Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
betNoVenues string[] Y Collection of bet numbers (venue side)
Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
betMap map Y Bet information dictionary, Key is the bet number, Value is the corresponding bet information; if the bet information does not exist, the corresponding Value can be null

4. Update the initial bet (/updatebet)

Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (see Appendix)
bets ApplyCreateBetItemV3Model[] Y Bet information collection, data structure see Appendix
Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (see Appendix)
balance decimal Y Player real-time balance after successful processing
results SingleBetItemV3Result[] Y Collection of bet processing results, data structure refer to Appendix

5. Cancel initial bet (/cannelbet)

Parameters Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (see Appendix)
betNoVenues string[] Y Bet order number (venue side) collection
Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (refer to Appendix)
balance decimal Y Player real-time balance after successful processing
results SingleBetItemV3Result[] Y Bet order processing result collection, data structure refer to Appendix

For the relationship between bets and bills, please refer to the introduction in the Appendix

6. Roll back canceled bets (/backcancelbet)

Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (see Appendix)
betNoVenues string[] Y Collection of bet numbers (from the venue)
Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (see Appendix)
balance decimal Y Player real-time balance after successful processing
results SingleBetItemV3Result[] Y Collection of bet processing results, data structure see Appendix

7. Settlement of initial bets (/settlementbet)

Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (refer to Appendix)
bets SettlementBetItemV3Model[] Y Bet information collection, data structure refer to Appendix
Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (see Appendix)
balance decimal Y Player's real-time balance after successful processing
results SingleBetItemV3Result[] Y Collection of bet processing results, data structure see Appendix

8. Resettlement bet (/resettlementbet)

Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (see Appendix)
bets SettlementBetItemV3Model[] Y Settlement information collection, data structure see Appendix
Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (see Appendix)
balance decimal Y Player real-time balance after successful processing
results SingleBetItemV3Result[] Y Settlement processing result collection, data structure see Appendix

9. Rollback settled bets (/backsettlementbet)

Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (refer to Appendix)
betNoVenues string[] Y Bet number (venue side) collection
Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (refer to Appendix)
balance decimal Y Real-time balance of the player after successful processing
results SingleBetItemV3Result[] Y Collection of bet processing results, data structure refer to Appendix

10. Cancel settled bets (/cancelsettlementbet)

Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (refer to Appendix)
betNoVenues string[] Y Collection of bet numbers (venue side)
Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (see Appendix)
balance decimal Y Player real-time balance after successful processing
results SingleBetItemV3Result[] Y Collection of bet processing results, data structure see Appendix

11. Balance adjustment (/adjustbill)

Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (refer to Appendix)
bills SingleBillItemV3Model[] Y Adjustment information collection, data structure refer to Appendix
Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (see Appendix)
balance decimal Y Player real-time balance after successful processing
results SingleBillItemV3Result[] Y Bet processing result set, data structure see Appendix

12. Cancel bill (/cancelbill)

Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (refer to Appendix)
billNoVenues string[] Y Bill number collection (venue side)
Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (refer to Appendix)
balance decimal Y Player real-time balance after successful processing
results SingleBillItemV3Result[] Y Bill processing result collection, data structure refer to Appendix


ApplyCreateBetItemV3Model Single wallet betting model

Parameter Data type Description
betNoVenue string Bet number - third-party game hall
gameCode string Game code
betAmount decimal Bet amount, 2 decimal places
betTimestampMs long Bet timestamp (millisecond level)
isTrial bool Is it a trial bet?
extend object Detailed data of chess and card bets, data is available when betType=1

SettlementBetItemV3Model Single wallet settlement bet model

Parameter Data type Description
betNoVenue string Bet number - third-party game hall
settlementAmountType decimal When settling, which amount is used for calculation [1:PrizeAmount 2:NetWinningAmount]
netWinningAmount decimal Net winning amount, 4 decimal places Note here: Each game center supports different rounding logic. Here is the number of decimal places returned by the XAgent API.
prizeAmount decimal Winning amount/distribution amount (including bet amount), 4 decimal places Note here: Each game center supports different rounding logic. Here is the number of decimal places returned by the XAgent API.
settlementTimestampMs long settlement timestamp (millisecond level)
extend object Detailed data of chess and card bets, data available when betType=1
isCreateAndSettlement bool Whether it is a bet and settlement, only the settlement interface may appear true, general electronic entertainment type bets will not be placed first and then settled, but the results will be notified directly
gameCode string game code, only has value if isCreateAndSettlement=true
betAmount decimal bet amount, 2 decimal places, only has value if isCreateAndSettlement=true
betTimestampMs long bet timestamp (millisecond level), only has value if isCreateAndSettlement=true
isTrial bool Whether it is a trial bet, only has value if isCreateAndSettlement=true

GetBetItemV3Model Single wallet gets bet model

Parameter Data type Description
betNoVenue string Bet order number - third-party game hall
betNoMerchant string Bet order number - merchant side
account string player account
coin string currency type (see Appendix)
gameCode string game code
betState int Bet order status (see Appendix)
betAmount decimal bet amount, 2 decimal places
betTimestampMs long bet timestamp (millisecond level)
isTrial bool whether it is a trial bet
extend object detailed data of chess and card bets, data is available when betType=1
settlementState int settlement status [1: unsettled/undrawn/waiting for draw 3: won/won 4: lost/did not win 5:Draw/Tie], this field is for reference only for some games, so please use the net win/loss calculated based on the bet and settlement amount to determine the final win/loss result
settlementTimestampMs long Settlement timestamp (milliseconds)
netWinningAmount decimal Net win/loss amount, 2 decimal places

Special instructions on the amount appearing in the bet information

  • BetAmount Bet amount can only be positive (greater than 0)
  • PrizeAmount Prize amount includes the bet amount, and will not be negative in any case
  • NetWinningAmount Net win/loss The final win/loss minus the bet amount, both positive and negative numbers are possible. If the net win/loss is negative, its absolute value must be less than or equal to the bet amount
  • Bet 10 yuan, no prize: BetAmount=10; PrizeAmount=0; NetWinningAmount=-10;
  • Bet 10, win 8: BetAmount=10; PrizeAmount=8; NetWinningAmount=-2;
  • Bet 10, win 10: BetAmount=10; PrizeAmount=10; NetWinningAmount=0;
  • Bet 10, win 14: BetAmount=10; PrizeAmount=14; NetWinningAmount=4;

    These three amounts must satisfy the identity BetAmount = PrizeAmount - NetWinningAmount;

  • Due to the differences in different game hall interfaces, not all three fields will have values ​​every time during settlement, but they will be provided to merchants according to the conditions defined in this formula for settlement. For example, if SettlementAmountType specifies the use of PrizeAmount for settlement, then PrizeAmount can be used for settlement. Don't worry about the value of NetWinningAmount.

    For merchant settlement, PrizeAmount and NetWinningAmount can be used to complete the settlement.

  • For bets that are placed first and settled later, that is, the betting amount has been deducted when the bet is placed, the settlement at this time is just to return the balance according to the winning situation.

    1. Calculated by PrizeAmount: Return amount = PrizeAmount, if it is greater than 0, increase the balance, otherwise it must be 0
    2. Calculated by NetWinningAmount: Return amount = BetAmount + NetWinningAmount, if it is greater than 0, increase the balance, otherwise it must be 0
  • For bets placed and settled at the same time, BetAmount has a value, and PrizeAmount and NetWinningAmount must have one or both values.

    This depends on how the merchant keeps accounts. If one deduction and one addition are made, there is no difference from placing a bet first and then settling.

    • If it is recorded as one (may be an increase or a decrease)
    • There is definitely no difference in the bet amount, but the final addition and subtraction is a little different.
    1. Calculated by PrizeAmount: Final addition and subtraction = PrizeAmount - BetAmount, if it is greater than 0, the balance is increased, if it is less than 0, it is reduced, and there is also a case of 0
    2. Calculated by NetWinningAmount: Final addition and subtraction = NetWinningAmount, if it is greater than 0, the balance is increased, if it is less than 0, it is reduced, and there is also a case of 0

Remember that these three amounts must satisfy the identity BetAmount = PrizeAmount - NetWinningAmount. Only those that satisfy this equation are correct.

SingleBetItemV3Result Single wallet bet processing result model

Parameter Data type Required Description
betType int Y Bet type [0: Chess 1: Electronic games 2: Live video 3: Lottery 4: Competitive sports 5: Stocks]
betNoVenue string Y Bet number - third-party game hall
betNoMerchant string Y Bet number - merchant
account string Y Player account
coin string Y Currency type (refer to Appendix)
betState int Y Bet status (refer to Appendix)
settlementState int Y Settlement status [1:Unsettled/Unannounced/Waiting for Announcement 3:Win/Win 4:Lose/Not Win 5:Draw]
operateState int Y Operation result, refer to Appendix Order Processing Result
resultDesc string Y Error description

BrandBetItemExtend Detailed data of chess and card betting

Parameter Data type Required Description
roundNo string Y Game number

ElectronicBetItemExtend Detailed data of electronic entertainment betting

Parameter Data type Required Description
No field, reserved type

LiveBetItemExtend Detailed data of live betting

Parameter Data type Required Description
tableNo string Y Table number

LotteryBetItemExtend Detailed data of lottery betting

Parameter Data type Required Description
roundNo string Y Issue number

SportBetItemExtend Detailed data of sports betting

Parameter Data type Required Description
playType string Y Type of sports game, e.g. football/basketball, etc.
sportBetType string Y Sports betting type [0:Ordinary betting/ordinary betting/non-running 1:Mixed betting/over-the-counter betting/mixed non-running 2:Ordinary betting/ordinary running 3:Mixed betting/mixed running 9:Other]
oddsType int Y Odds type [1:European plate 2: Hong Kong 3: Malay 4: Indonesia ]
odds decimal Y odds
matchDate string Y match time
isParlay bool Y whether it is a mixed pass, otherwise it is a normal bet
details SportBetItemDetail[] Y sports betting match information collection

StockBetItemExtend stock betting details

parameter data type required description
gameType string Y game category
stockCode string Y stock code
stockName string Y stock name
transDirection string Y transaction direction
transPrice decimal Y transaction price
transNumber decimal Y transaction quantity
transFee decimal Y Handling fee
leverage decimal Y Leverage

SportBetItemDetail Specific match information entity of sports betting

Parameter Data type Required Description
league string Y League name
teamA string Y Home team name
teamB string Y Away team name
proj string Y Bet item, if it is a mixed pass, it is for each game, such as handicap/single win/over/total goals, etc.
desc string Y Game content, if it is a mixed pass, it is for each game, such as home team handicap 1/total goals 4/away team single win, etc., this is only valid when mixed pass
score string Y Final score (the format must be A:B (home team score: away team score) or empty), if it is a mixed pass, it is for each game
gq string Y Live score for live betting, live only, for mixed betting, for each game
betState string Y Bet state, for mixed betting, for each game, bet state text
odds decimal Y Odds, for mixed betting, for each game
match string Y Match time (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss), for mixed betting, for each game

SingleBillItemV3Model Single Wallet Bill Model

Parameter Data Type Required Description
adjustIDVenue string Y Transaction unique identifier - third-party game hall
betNoVenue string Y Associated bet number (if any), third-party game hall
account string Y Member account
coin string Y currency
transAmount decimal Y adjustment amount, positive for increase, negative for decrease
transTimestampMs long Y adjustment timestamp (millisecond level)
transReason string Y adjustment reason
transRemark string Y remarks

SingleBillItemV3Result Single wallet bill processing result model

parameter data type required description
billNoVenue string Y bill number, third-party game hall
billNoMerchant string Y bill number, downstream merchant
account string Y member account
coin string Y currency
operateState int Y operation result, refer to BillOperateStates bill processing result


Only some GameTypes are shown here for reference only. For details, please check the XAgent Game List document. Subsequent additions will be reflected in the document, or View the latest data through the merchant backend

Code Name Description
xg_electronic XG Electronic
ag_electronic AsiaGaming Electronic
ag_live AsiaGaming Live
ax_electronic Aviatrix Electronic
bng_electronic BNG Electronic
cr_sport Crown Sports
dg_live DreamGaming Live
evo_live Evolution Live
fb_sport FB Sports
fg_brand FunGaming Chess
imty_sport InplayMatrix Sports
jdb_electronic Duobao Electronic
ky_brand Kaiyuan Chess
mg_electronic MicroGaming Electronic
nlc_electronic NoLimitCity Electronic
ob_live DB (formerly OB) Live
obty_sport Panda Sports
pg_electronic PocketGames Electronic
png_electronic PlayNGo Electronic
pp_electronic PragmaticPlay Electronic
pp_live PragmaticPlay Live
rt_electronic Red Tiger Electronic
sc_lottery SHI CAI Lottery
sexy_live Sexy Live
shb_sport Sabah Sports

Coin currency

The subsequent addition will be reflected in the document, or you can check the latest data through the merchant backend

Code Name Description
aud Australian Dollar
bdt Bangladeshi Taka
brl Brazilian Real
cny Chinese Yuan
eur Euro
hkd Hong Kong Dollar
idr Indonesian Rupiah
inr Indian Rupee
irr Iranian Rial
jpy Japanese Yen
khr Cambodian Riel
krw Korean Won
mmk Myanmar Kyat
myr Malaysian Ringgit
ngn Nigerian Naira
npr Nepalese Rupee
php Philippine Peso
pkr Pakistani Rupee
pyg Paraguayan julan
rub Russian ruble
sgd Singapore dollar
thb Thai baht
twd Taiwan dollar
usd US dollar
vnd Vietnamese dong
usdt USDT

Lang language

Added later will be reflected in the document, or check the latest data through the merchant backend

Encoding Name Description
en English
hi Hindi
id Indonesian
ja Japanese
ko Korean
pt Portuguese
ta Tamil
th Thai
vi Vietnamese
zh Chinese
zh_hant Chinese-Traditional

BetOperateStates bet processing results

Code Name Description
0 Unknown, default value when no value is assigned or any situation where it is uncertain whether it is successful, also failure
1 Success
2 Failure
3 Insufficient balance
4 Player does not exist
20 Bet does not exist
21 Duplicate bet
22 Bet settled
23 Bet canceled
24 Bet rolled back

BillOperateStates bill processing results

Code Name Description
0 Unknown, default value when no value is assigned or any situation where it is uncertain whether it is successful, also failure
1 Success
2 Failure
3 Insufficient balance
4 Player does not exist
20 Bill does not exist
21 Duplicate bill
23 Bill canceled

VenueResultCodes Common error codes

Code Name Description
200 Success, all others are failures
400 Parameter error
9*** Internal service error
9999 Including any failure
3000 XAgent-System maintenance
3001 XAgent-IP whitelist restriction
3002 The merchant has not opened this game hall or currency
5000 Game hall system maintenance
5001 Game hall IP whitelist restriction
5002 The game hall is inaccessible
5003 The game hall system is busy
5004 Cannot enter the hall directly
5005 Order processing
5006 Insufficient balance
7000 Merchant system maintenance
7001 Merchant IP whitelist restriction
7003 Merchant system is busy
7004 Merchant account does not exist

BetStates Bet state

Code Name Transfer mode Single wallet Description
0 Unknown status Available Available
1 The bet has been accepted and is valid Available Available
2 Rejection/failed betting Available Unavailable
3 Cancellation/cancellation/third-party forced withdrawal/refund Available Unavailable
4 The bet has been canceled Available Available
5 Recycling/selling Available Unavailable

GameTypeList Game category entity

Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
name string Y Corresponding Chinese name
isEnable int Y Whether to enable 1. Yes 2. No

GameCodeList Game list entity

Parameter Data type Required Description
gameType string Y Game category
gameCode string Y Game code, specific game code
gameNameEnus string Y Game English name
gameNamePtbr string Y Game Portuguese name
gameNameZhcn string Y Game Chinese name
isEnable int Y Whether to enable 1. Yes 2. No
logoUrl string Y game logo
remark string Y remark